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5 Email Templates To Replace ‘Sorry for the Inconvenience’

How do you admit a mistake? A meaningless ‘I am sorry!’ is no good.

Whether you own a business or are an individual service provider, you may sometimes need to render a genuine apology, so it helps to learn how to do it right.

In this article, we’ll show you how.

What Does The Phrase ‘Sorry For The Inconvenience’ Mean?

By saying ‘sorry for the inconvenience’, you express regret to a customer for the error and for the discomfort that your actions (or lack thereof) have causedIn customer support, it is common to use this phrase, but there are better ways of saying it. 

Why You Shouldn’t Say ‘I’m Sorry For The Inconvenience’

Now, let’s look at some reasons why this phrase is best avoided.

It’s old 

It has been in use forever. Accordingly, it is now a cliché. Most customers are aware of it and may even anticipate this response.

Since it lacks a sense of authenticity, you (and your customer service team) should avoid it.

Also, many issues are not just ‘a minor inconvenience’ and may have drastic consequences for your customers. So, addressing the problem as an ‘inconvenience’ just won’t cut it. 

It’s just not nice

Let us face it, saying something as boring as ‘sorry for the inconvenience’ can come across as a little heartless. Do you want your customers to feel like they are not being respected?

Using this phrase may be construed as poor service. You don’t want bad reviews on customer complaint boards and on social media, right? 

Read also: How And When To Say ‘My Sincerest Apologies’

Tips To Avoid Using ‘Sorry For The Inconvenience’

First things first, you should avoid those exact words. Instead, start the message with better phrases, like:

  • I recognize how critical this is. 
  • I understand how frustrating this is. This is how I would feel as well.

This infographic mentions four of the best tips to avoid using this overused phrase, along with an example for each. 

Sorry of the inconvenience alternatives

Take initiative 

Say something like this in your communications: 

  • I’m here to express my regret for the trouble we caused you. 
  • I’m writing to apologize for the delay in responding.
  • I see that you’re having issues.

Recognize your errors 

Clients need to feel that the organization is ready to acknowledge their mistakes. You need to offer an effective apology by recognizing customer feelings and showing that you are taking the necessary actions.

  • My error! Please accept this as my apology.
  • It is entirely our fault. I apologize for the inconvenience. 
  • My bad! We are working to prevent it from happening again. 
  • Offering empathy and owning up to your mistake can convert unhappy customers. A heartfelt apology goes a long way in improving customer satisfaction. 

How to Write PS in Email: A Guide For Good Writing

Offer solutions 

Remedies that can be deployed are the best way to pacify someone who’s upset with you or your business. Add something like this after your sincere apology:

  • So, here are the options I think fit: … 
  • Let me provide you with an alternative. 
  • Would you mind taking a look at our Plan B? 

Be accessible 

You have already admitted your mistake. Your patrons expect you to be open to queries. Say something like:

  • If you have any questions, please contact me at [email address]
  • If there is anything else I can do for you, kindly let me know. I’m available at all times.
  • Please feel free to schedule a call or conversation with me. 

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5 Email Templates To Replace ‘Sorry for the Inconvenience’

In this section, we have created hypothetical customer service situations and how best to express regret.

These templates can be combined with the above-mentioned expressions in live chat, email, or even phone conversations.

Poor customer service 

Greetings, [customer name] 

I am writing to express my deepest regrets on behalf of [business name] for the poor interaction you have had with one of our customer support representatives. 

I am aware that [agent’s name]’s approach to resolving the situation was [unhelpful/rude/unprofessional/etc.]. Your annoyance at not having been given the correct supervisorial instructions is understandable.

 We appreciate you bringing this to our notice.

Your input is very important to us because we are constantly searching for ways to improve our service. 

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me directly if you require assistance in the future.


Late or lost deliveries 

Hi, [customer name]

I apologize for any issues you may have had with the package you ordered from us {add order details}.

Since our supplier ran out of stock, your order didn’t reach you on time. However, a new shipment is scheduled to go out soon.

Please let us know if you want to cancel your order. If you want to have a replacement package shipped to you as soon as it becomes available, you can click here instead.

Once more, we apologize for the inconvenience. 


👉Don’t miss out on our guide – “15 Introduction Email Templates That Work Like A Charm” – the ultimate resource for writing effective introduction emails! 

General apology email 

Greetings [Name],

My error!

Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience you experienced during your recent order. 

But don’t worry, we are doing our best to resolve this issue at the earliest. Our customer support team is also working to ensure that this issue does not happen again. In the meantime, here’s an alternative option you can use till we resolve this issue. 

If you have any further concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Resolving an issue

Hello, [name]!

I’m here to express my regret for the trouble we caused you. Let us help you resolve this issue at the earliest. We’ll get back to you within an hour. 

If you need any assistance, feel free to ask me anything.


Offering a discount/freebie

Dear [Customer],

We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced when trying to [use our product]. 

It’s never our intention to cause frustration or disappointment, and we take full responsibility for this issue. To resolve this, we’d like to offer you a [discount/refund/credits] as a gesture of goodwill.

Additionally, we’ve taken steps to address the root cause of the issue and prevent it from happening again in the future.

If there’s anything else we can do to make your experience with us better, please don’t hesitate to let us know.


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To sum up 

Your ‘sorry for the inconvenience’ communication should have a single goal in mind: to win the client back. Give it your all if you want to succeed in this attempt. 

As you can see, we didn’t invent the wheel when we created our scenarios; we simply used regular phrases stated unusually. Recall the fundamentals: address the consumer by name, be approachable, be precise, and come up with original ideas.

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