Home » Email Marketing » 15 Introduction Email Templates That Work Like A Charm
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15 Introduction Email Templates That Work Like A Charm

Looking for how to write an introduction email to new subscribers, cold leads, or whomever? Then an introduction email template can help.


Introduction email templates:

  • Reduce your writing time
  • Are easy to update
  • Serve as a source of inspiration for writing introduction emails

In this post, you’ll find introduction email templates suitable for:

  • Introducing yourself to a person you’ve never met
  • Introducing a new employee to customers
  • Connecting with a potential client recommended by a mutual contact
  • Follow-up introductions to someone you’ve met briefly, usually after an event
  • And more (including best practices)!

Ready? Let’s begin.

How to Use Your Introduction Email Templates

These introduction email templates are meant to guide you. Once you’ve picked the right template, you must personalize it for your recipient. You can even use a drag and drop email template builder to design personalized emails that convert.


The same goes for sales or business introduction emails. You’ll need an optimistic, friendly, and professional tone. And regardless of the introductory email template you use, following these email etiquette will boost your open and response rates:

Email etiquette infographics

  1. Use an email signature. This should contain your name, role, website, contact information, and social media handles. Your signature should remain consistent for every email you send.
  2. Use an email address that contains your first or last name.
  3. If you are sending a cold email, don’t sell your product or service as a marketer would do with a cold call. A soft-sell approach that builds a relationship (before sales) always wins.
  4. Always drive your recipient to act with a call to action (CTA).
  5. Tailor your opening line to the reader.
  6. Use a scroll-stopping email subject line. Most people scan subject lines and immediately decide to open, pass, or delete. Aim for 50 characters or less in your subject lines and personalize them with the recipient’s first or last name.
  7. Send your email to a specific person and not a general email address or an entire team. Not sure how to find those emails? Then check company pages on LinkedIn to find the best person to contact.
  8. Offer value to your reader. If you raised one of the reader’s problems, briefly describe a possible solution.
  9. Show appreciation for the recipient’s time and send a follow-up email.

So now that you understand the benefits of introduction email templates and how to use them, let’s get into the meat of this post – the welcome email templates.

In the following section, you’ll learn how to introduce yourself in an email quickly and effectively.

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Freelance Writer Introduction Email Template

As a marketer (writers included), there is only one language your prospect understands – results. If results fail to ooze from your introduction email, it’ll get dumped. Avoid vague terms like revenue or high quality in your introduction email.

Show tangible results of what you’ve done or how your experiences can add value to the brand. To do this, you can adapt these freelance writer introduction email templates. As a marketer (writers included), results must ooze from your introduction email.

Expert freelance writer introduction email template

Subject Line: Beat (popular competitor) for 3 High Search Volume Keywords
Hi (first name),

I regularly read your posts, and I love your view on (what you like). However, I see that you’re missing out on some income opportunities by failing to rank for some vital keywords.

What will a conversion rate of 0.001% mean for (name of the brand) if you rank on page 1 of SERPs for these keywords?

  • Keyword 1: search volume
  • Keyword 2: search volume
  • Keyword 3: search volume

In the last 3 years, I have helped more than (number) brands to reach page 1 of SERPs for over (number) keywords.

Here are some of my clients:

  • Client 1
  • Client 2
  • Client 3

Do you have time for a call at (time 1 or time 2) for us to discuss this? Alternatively, here’s my calendly link, or you could send yours.

  • Link

Thank you for taking the time to read my email.

Kind regards,

(Your Name/Business Name).

Read also: Convertkit vs Mailchimp vs EngageBay: Which Email Tool is Best?

Beginner freelance writer introduction email template

Subject Line: Quick question about (name of the brand)
Hi (name),

I’m reaching out to inquire if you need a freelance writer to help with content production at (company).

I’m (your name). I am a certified Inbound Marketing Specialist by HubSpot, and I have written for (website name) and (website name).

I can help with writing blog posts, guest posts, website copy, ebooks, and other related marketing assets.

Could you let me know if you have this need?

Thank you.

(Your name).

Read also: Thanksgiving Email Marketing Templates To Feast On!

Business Introduction Email Template

A business introduction email introduces you and your company’s product or service to the recipient. Here are some business introduction email templates:

Subject Line: (New client’s name), welcome to (company)!
Hi (new client’s name),

Welcome to (company)! I am (your name), and I will be your (role to your client).

We’ve got many exciting things going on at (company name), and we’re excited to have you on board.

If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to email me anytime.


(Your name and email signature).

Here’s another business introduction email example: 

Subject Line: (Prospect Name), struggling with (pain point) in (location)
Hello (name)

I’m (name). I am reaching out to you as a business owner in (location). As you may know, (talk about the recipient’s pain point).

(Your company name), prides itself in (your company’s unique selling proposition). (Talk more about the benefits of using your product or service).

We’ll like to offer you a (special deal) to solve your challenge with (pain point). Are you open to a call at (time 1 or time 2) so we can discuss further? Alternatively, you can reply to this email or call at (phone number).


(Your name and email signature).

Read also: 4 Introduction Email Examples Worth Replying (and Why)

Sales Introduction Email Template

Sales introduction emails are essential to your sales funnel or process. However, the type of sales email you’ll send depends on the first point of contact with your prospect. For instance, most sales introductions start with a “cold email” and then a “follow-up email.” Also, emails sent by B2B sales professionals might begin with a mutual connection. Here are some sales introduction email templates for:

  • Cold emails
  • Follow up after an introduction
  • Follow-up based on a mutual connection
  • Events

Cold Email Template

Cold emails allow you to connect with prospects that don’t know you or your business. These emails help in expanding your network and accelerating your lead generation efforts. For your cold email to be successful, you need to focus on your recipient’s pain points and get to the point quickly. Here are some sales email introduction templates you can modify for your cold leads.

For your cold email to be successful, you need to focus on your recipient’s pain points and get to the point quickly. Check out the following sales email templates (if you’re a sales rep, these cold emailing templates can streamline your sales process): 

Subject Line: (Lead name), I only need 2 minutes…
Hi (lead name),

I’m (your name), and I’ve been discussing with some leading experts in (industry) who shared a few challenges such as (list the challenges).

If you are experiencing the same problems, I’d love to show you how we used (your product/service) to get (the results).

The results seem unbelievable, I know. So why don’t I walk you through? I am available for a 10-minute chat on Friday at 4 PM. Let me know if this time works for you. Alternatively, you can schedule a meeting here – (your calendar link).

Check out how we helped other customers with the same problems (insert social proof or links here). 

(Your name and email signature).

Read also: 12 Cold Email Marketing Tips To Increase Your Conversion Rates

Here’s another sales email template: 

Subject Line: (Lead name), check this out
Hey (lead name),

I’m (your name). I know you are busy, so I’ll keep this brief.

(Your brand) specializes in (what you do).

Our product helps you to (how your product works).

That means you get lots of (results from your product) savings.

Are you open to a call at (time 1 or time 2) tomorrow so I can explain how you can get (results) from (your product)? Alternatively, you can schedule a meeting here – (your calendar link).

Kind regards,

(your name).

Follow-Up Introduction Email Template

The cold prospecting email templates mentioned above work well for the first.

What about follow-ups?

You can send follow-up emails after meeting someone in person or through a mutual contact. Here are some follow-up introduction email templates:

Subject Line: (lead name), it was great to meet you at (event)
Hi (lead name),

I’m (your name). It was a pleasure meeting you at (event). You talked about (add specific details about the chat to build a connection), and I would love to chat with you to continue our conversation.

If this sounds interesting to you, here’s my contact information

  • (email)
  • (calendar link)

Thank you for your time. I’m looking forward to discussing this with you!


(Your name & email signature).

👉Laughter is the best medicine. Enjoy a dose of fun with these 11 email memes for marketers! 😁

Follow-Up Email Template From Mutual Connection

Subject Line: (lead name), it was great meeting you at (event).
Dear (lead name),

(Name of mutual contact) introduced us at (event). S/he said you want (details of the need).

As s/he may have told you, (name of your company) specializes in (share your unique selling proposition). We have an extensive portfolio and a wide array of strategic solutions you can benefit from.

I’ve also attached (document) to explain further.

Would you be available for a quick call on Monday at 10 AM? Alternatively, here’s a link to my calendar – (calendar link).

(Your name and email signature).

Read also: 7 Introduction Email Mistakes to Avoid

Event-triggered Introduction Email Template

trigger email automation

Sending an event-triggered introduction email is vital when someone signs up to your email list. This helps you establish rapport with the new subscriber. Also, you can send an event-triggered introduction email after a prospect visits a specific page on your site. Here are some event-triggered introduction email templates:

Subject Line: It’s amazing to have you at (your brand name)
Hi (lead name),

Thank you for signing up for (podcast, newsletter, purchased product/service, etc.).

You’ve taken an excellent step to (what’s the biggest benefit of using your product, service, or offering). Over the next few days, you will receive (what you plan to send and when).

I’ll love you to connect with me on (your best social media platform). And if you have any questions concerning (your niche), please ask me. I reply to every single email I receive.

Talk soon,

(Your name and email signature).

Read also: How to Write an Introduction Email to New Subscribers

Subject line: Congrats on purchasing (product/service)! What’s next?
Hey (lead name),

I’m (your name), founder of (company name), and I’d love to personally thank you for signing up to (what service do you render). Our company is dedicated to (values or mission of the company)

Do you have any questions concerning our product/service? We would like to hear your thoughts so we can serve you better. Feel free to reply to this email, and I’ll personally get in touch.


(Your name and email signature).

Subject line: (Lead Name), Here’s your (name of the offer)
Hi (lead name),

Thank you for signing up for (newsletter name).

As promised, here is the link for (name of free offering).

To learn more about (subject), please visit our blog and resource pages.

  • Link 1
  • Link 2

Feel free to reply to this email with any questions; I’d be happy to help.


(Your name and email signature).

Also read: How to Create Great Email Newsletters [+ 7 Free Templates]

New Point of Contact (New PoC) Introduction Email: To Team

If you have a new account manager or Point of Contact (PoC), you should introduce them to your team. Why? To enhance employee engagement. Here’s a company introduction email template to help (this can also act as team onboarding email in certain instances): 

Subject Line: Meet (name of new point of contact) at (name of company)
All Staff Announcement:

I’m happy to let you know that (name of the new point of contact) has accepted our job offer and will join the team as (role) on (date). We are convinced that he/she will be a superb addition to our continued success.

(New PoC name) has worked in (role) with increasing authority and responsibilities in that role. (New PoC) is also experienced in (function), holds a degree in (specialty), and is certified by (certifier).

In his/her spare time, (new PoC) loves (share something personal). S/he is also a big fan of (another personal detail) and is looking forward to becoming an esteemed part of this organization.

We’ll formally welcome him/her on (date). All employees can stop by; treats and appetizers will be served. Here’s the link to sign up if you plan to attend.

(Your name and email signature).

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Self Introduction Emails

email personalization

Self Introduction Email Templates to Your Teammates at a New Job

As a new employee, introducing yourself to your colleagues is a fantastic idea. This helps you to settle in quickly and make friends. It’s okay to be casual with this email introduction template and allow your personality to shine through. However, don’t go overboard.

Let’s take a look at a couple of new employee introduction email templates:

Subject Line: A quick ‘hello’ from the new (job title)
Hello (Contact name),

I would like to introduce myself as your newest (title).

I’m thrilled to be a part of this team, and I look forward to meeting with you as my (you report to this person).

Do reach out to me if you have resources to get me up to speed in my new role.

I’m also open to a fun “new employee chat.”


(Your name and email signature).

Subject Line: Lunch on me?
Dear Team,

My name is (your name), and I’m the newest (role).

I look forward to meeting with you all in person, and I am eager to achieve awesome results with you. Perhaps we can schedule a team lunch. All on me! What do y’all say?

Kind regards,

(Your name and email signature).

Also read: 12 Email Invoice Templates to Customize and Click Send

Self Introduction Email Template for a New Role

If you’re a new team leader or manager, you need to make a good first impression from the onset. These self-introduction email templates can help you with that:

Subject Line: Here’s Your New Sales Manager
Dear Sales Team,

I would like to introduce myself as the new sales manager at (company). I am (your name). But you shouldn’t bite your tongue to pronounce my name, should you? So just call me (nickname).

I have (number) years of experience in the (industry), during which I have trained and worked as (your roles). But don’t confuse my years of experience for someone older than you. I am younger than y’all.

Loving your new sales manager already? It’s what we do, right…say the sweet things to get the sale.

So, sweet and fun talk aside, I am really thrilled to join (company). And I believe we’ll have fun as we increase (company) revenue as a team.

I look forward to working with you all. Please reach out to me if you need any assistance at (email) and (phone).


Your name and email signature.

The above email template can also be modified and sent to a potential employer or clients

Read also: Improve Email Campaign Open Rates with A/B Testing


Introduction emails are powerful for setting the right tone for any relationship, be it with a potential customer, another business, or teammates. These email templates will make your writing process easier and much more effective.

When writing your introduction emails, ensure that you:

  • Tailor your template to the recipient
  • Are concise and professional
  • Proofread it before you hit send

Doing all of these makes you create a great first impression and build long-lasting relationships. And if you need to send introduction emails in bulk and do a ton of other marketing work, you should check out the unbeatable features of Engagebay CRM.

Martine takes about his journey with EngageBay — take a look: 


Sign up now, or book a 30-minute demo with our experts  — and we’ll show how EngageBay can help grow your business. 

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